Design and Environment: A Primer


Author: H. Kumar Vyas | Publisher: National Institute of Design | ISBN: 978-81-86199-85-5 | Language: English | Year of Publication: 2016 | Original Language Title: Design and Environment: A Primer | Edition: Third | Pages: 178 |

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Through this book, H. Kumar Vyas (1929–2017) explores the interdependence between human beings and their environment—a theme he attempted in his book Design and Environment: An Introductory Manual. This third edition adds more depth to the subject and has made it evolve. Six new chapters have substituted the first two chapters of the earlier version. The unravelling of this mutual relation between human beings and their surroundings takes place in two parts. The first part is called ‘Knowing your Environment’ and it establishes a direct interaction of sorts between the readers and the environment, enabling the former to strike an acquaintance with their surrounding environment. The second part of the book is called ‘Design Process in Action.’ This section verifies the process of design application implemented in the first part of the book and then moves on to lay down the role of designers and how design can be transformed into a tool for solving problems of the real world. All in all, this book is a guide for budding designers to recognise the varied opportunities that they can avail.

Additional information

Weight 283 g
Dimensions 21 × 19 × 1 cm


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